Thursday, April 2, 2020

Teaching Tutoring Jobs in the Bay Area

Teaching Tutoring Jobs in the Bay AreaIf you are looking for a career that has many benefits and is both educational and fun, one that is ideal for the entire family, but can be done from the comfort of your own home, there are tutoring jobs in the Bay Area. Although these positions may require some extra training, you can be assured that the education provided to students will be invaluable to their education. However, even if your child has great test scores and a high grade point average, that doesn't mean they will have the ability to apply what they learn in real life situations. Therefore, the job of a tutor is to help the student in their educational development.There are many tutoring jobs in the Bay Area. There are many school districts in the area and many schools are trying to hire more experienced staff for their classrooms. By hiring someone who has been trained, their knowledge of the specific curriculum and students can be implemented in a way that is tailored to the n eeds of each individual. Furthermore, they can provide support to students who may be having difficulties and keep their spirits up. In many cases, the entire school can benefit from this kind of service.A parent who is attending college or working for a large corporation, for example, can also find tutoring in the Bay Area on the school level in a day care center. This type of service is provided to parents who are a short distance away and is ideal for those parents who want to pay their child to get good grades. It is important for a child to attend a school where they can receive the proper academic instruction and tutoring will allow them to do just that. In many cases, the children who attend these day care centers are those who have low income and can be even more successful when they are enrolled in a child who gets all the attention they need.In addition to being in a distant location, parents need to understand that tutoring services are in place for the same reason as any other service in a school district. A parent might be struggling with their child in a certain subject or is failing them in some other way. The parent needs to understand that they can still get help in the classroom and take their child to a qualified teacher. Most schools in the Bay Area have a number of certified teachers that can be hired on a temporary basis for the same reasons they would hire a part-time teacher.Another type of tutoring in the Bay Area is provided by the office of the superintendent. In this case, an individual is hired specifically to work with a particular student and is paid according to the number of hours worked. The programs of this office tend to be fairly short term. However, this job can be very lucrative in the long run.Once a prospective tutor has been selected, they will begin the application process. They will need to apply online for the job and then provide proof of work experience, current education, as well as their references. Usually the application is free and can be completed in under five minutes. They will also need to provide a list of all of their students and what grade level they were in.In order to apply for any of the above positions, the tutor will need to find a local business that will hire them. They can locate these types of businesses through a referral service provided by a local chamber of commerce. These schools and businesses generally provide the same tutoring services and will provide information on how to apply for employment.In many cases, the tutoring positions in the Bay Area are not all about providing services to students. Often times, tutors are required to have additional skills, such as playing an instrument, being bilingual, or being creative. These skills can be provided through a particular career path that the tutor chooses.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Astrophysics, Astronomy, Cosmology Whats the Difference

Astrophysics, Astronomy, Cosmology What’s the Difference What’s the Difference Between Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Cosmology? ChaptersWhat are the Main Differences Between Cosmology, Astronomy, and Astrophysics?What is Astronomy?What is Astrophysics?And Cosmology?Space â€" with its solar systems, galaxies, stars, and planets â€" is something breathtaking in its vastness and its complexity. With so much there to be known â€" and with such a sense among us that we know so little â€" the fascination is totally understandable.What is a black hole? What exactly caused the Big Bang? How exactly do gravitational forces work? Will galactic travel ever be possible? All of these questions that you ask yourself as a kid don’t actually become much clearer as you get older. Indeed, the greatest minds in science â€" astronomers and physics experts â€" wouldn’t necessarily have an answer for you either.That’s because, really, we’re fairly new to the game of investigating the universe. Sure, we think we have some pretty good telescopes, we know a bit about star formation, and we’ve just observed gravitational wav es. But, anyone who knows anything about this stuff will tell you we are only just scratching the surface. There’s a lot more to know.And this is why the space industry is so busy â€" and why there are more jobs in space studies and research than you might have realised.Here, we’re going to take a look at three of the main disciplines in the study of space: cosmology, astronomy, and astrophysics. Because, whilst the three roles overlap and take inspiration from each other, they are actually slightly different. And any space enthusiast should know what the differences are.Let’s take a look.Find out everything you need to know about astronomy here. Get out of the city and it is easy to see the Milky Wayit has been practised for as long as humans have been alive. Because you don’t need a massive space telescope to be an astronomer. Nor do you need one to observe the Milky Way, celestial objects like comets and asteroids, and planetary systems and their orbits.Because these are the things that are the object of an astronomer’s study. And the methodology of observation is still the method that astronomers use â€" just in a much more sophisticated way.The Ancient Greeks were excellent at astronomy. Aristarchus of Samos, back in the third century BC, for example, had already worked out that the Earth travels around the Sun â€" something that scientists didn’t confirm until the seventeenth century. Meanwhile, Eratosthenes used shadows to measure the size of the Earth â€" something he did with incredible accuracy.And whilst we all know about the Greeks, the oldest calendar we know has been found in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Known as the Warren Field calendar, it is made of twelve pits that correlate to the phases of the moon. It’s thought to be ten thousand years old.Check for a good maths physics tutor here. This banal thing is based on astronomy.Astronomy Today.In this sense, any investigation into the planets and universe â€" including stargazing and any studies that are ground-based â€" counts as astronomy.These days, we just have better instruments with which to conduct such investigations. We are continuing to discover new planets, stars, and even galaxies, whilst the Voyager 1 became, in 2013, the first shuttle to pass Neptune and journey off into the interstellar medium beyond our solar system.Learn about our Solar System!What is Astrophysics?We’ve seen that astronomy is the broadest discipline when it comes to studies of space. Astrophysics is a subdiscipline of astronomy, essentially, which combines â€" you’ve guessed it â€" physics and astronomy.If astronomy maps the positions and movements of astronomical objects, astrophysics uses the laws of physics to describe and to explain their nature.Using Physics to Understand Space.You know what physics is and what the major conce rns are of that subject: thermodynamics, atomic and molecular physics, relativity, quantum physics, nuclear behaviour â€" and a whole lot more.Sure, these are all things that are relevant to the Earth and that were developed through study and knowledge of the nature of the Earth and its physical properties. But space offers a larger arena in which to study them â€" as well as a whole lot of other things besides.By looking at black holes, we push further our knowledge of gravity. By looking at dark matter and dark energy, we need to apply our knowledge of subatomic particles and particle physics.But there is so much that we don’t understand about space that astrophysics is often highly theoretical. Dark matter in itself, will quite famous as a phenomenon, is entirely speculative: we have not actually found any evidence that it exists at all.When Did Astrophysics Kick Off?Whilst astronomy has been around since the beginning of human civilisation, this is not quite true of astrophysi cs.Because this discipline only actually was named as such in the mid-nineteenth century, when Joseph von Fraunhofer began to use spectroscopy â€" the study of spectra â€" to draw conclusions about the material nature of stars.Since then, the study of the astrophysical came increasingly distinct from astronomy, with the majority of new discoveries about space occurring in astrophysics.Do you know how a star is formed? Find out here!And Cosmology?So, where does that leave cosmology? If astronomy focuses on describing the positions and movements of space, and astrophysics on explaining its nature, what can be properly described as the cosmological?NASA describes cosmology as the study of the ‘large scale properties of the universe as a whole’ â€" as opposed to astronomy that looks specifically at the objects in space specifically.However, this definition does not really give a full sense of everything that cosmology is and has been. Because cosmology has often overlapped with and been propelled by speculations in philosophy and metaphysics too â€" about the nature of the universe and its origins. The Milky Way!Cosmology through the Ages.The earliest philosophers, religions, and thinkers all proposed their own image of the universe â€" their own cosmology.Take that which is known as the Hindu cosmology, which was proposed in the second millennium BC. It was believed here that the universe was infinite and cyclical, and that each world or cosmos would last eight billion years.Meanwhile, the cosmology of Ptolemy, the Greek thinker, described a universe with the Earth at the middle.Science and Physical Cosmology.Yet, with the scientific epistemology that developed in the west over the last five hundred years, the metaphysical nature of cosmology has decreased.Cosmology these days is more concerned with testing hypotheses regarding the origin, development, and future of the universe. Fairly predictably, one of its major concerns is the Big Bang â€" as well as the expansion of the universe and the nature of the early universe.Given that, these days, cosmology is a science, it takes its data from astronomy and from astrophysics â€" as it needs observed material upon which to base its hypotheses.Is there life on other planets?

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Sequence Restorative Yoga

How to Sequence Restorative Yoga Is Sequencing Necessary in Restorative Yoga? ChaptersWhat is Restorative Yoga?Why Take Restorative Yoga Classes?What Does a Restorative Yoga Session Entail?Restorative Yoga LessonsToday, as demonstrated by the number of people heading to the yoga studio for hot yoga and Pilates classes, the trend in yoga is ‘gym yoga’ or ‘fitness yoga’.Fitness yoga strange name; isn’t one of the greatest benefits of yoga fitness?Nevertheless, how yoga is ‘packaged’ is half of the draw for those newly-curious about yoga; a brightly-lit gym, lots of smiling participants and bright colours help to sell the idea that yoga is a vibrant practice that everyone should engage in.Even online yoga classes tend to show those practicing yoga in a brightly-lit yoga studio, on a colourful mat, wearing wildly colourful yoga clothing…Is yoga even supposed to be that bright?Some yoga devotees would argue not but the truth is, it really doesn’t matter what colour your yoga mat is or how intensely the lights burn.What does matter is that the fund amental yoga philosophy  is at the root of everything that happens in class.Many popular styles of yoga â€" Iyengar yoga, Vinyasa yoga and others reflect that tenet through many poses, breathwork and meditation.All of this is great information but, so far, we’ve not said anything about yoga’s restorative powers.Let’s say you have already embraced the lifestyle of a yogi; you may even be a yoga teacher (or want to become one).But then, something terrible happens: you sustain an injury. You are devastated that it will take you months to recuperate, let alone get back to the vigorous yoga classes you used to lead.Or maybe one of your loved ones has sustained an injury; maybe due to repetitive motion, as is so common these days. As a yoga instructor, what would you recommend?Naturally, restorative yoga comes to mind but you wonder: which asanas would be most beneficial? How many asanas should be considered for an hour’s session?Should restorative yoga sessions be conducted one o n one or can it be done in a group?Superprof now takes a closer look at restorative yoga to answer those questions and more.restorative yoga class. Other reasons have nothing to do with the physical state.You may feel completely stressed out at work, burnt out from your gym routine or your power yoga sessions, undone by family affairs or a love affair that ended badly.Many believe that one must push through tough situations and that everything will be better on the other side. The other side of what, one might wonder?Such advice, often sincerely given, seems to imply that we are lone voyagers on a path beset by obstacles on every side, with the possibility of never overcoming them â€" in other words, of failing.  And, in today’s narrative, failure is never acceptable.What if we stop seeing these very common human experiences as adversarial situations to confront and triumph over and, instead, perceive them as an opportunity to deepen our mind-body connection?In these situations an d more, restorative yoga could be the answer you are looking for. You will not meet any warrior poses or downward facing dogs in a restorative yoga class Image by jesslef from PixabayWhy Take Restorative Yoga Classes?You might argue that, if one is fed up with their workout, they could just change it up.Likewise, if repetitive motion, say carpal tunnel syndrome is what plagues them, they could visit a chiropractor and even have an operation, if their doctor recommends it.All of that is true but those solutions leave the person in question with the same kettle of fish.The point of restorative yoga is to restore oneself, not to alleviate a symptom of a much greater condition demanding your attention.Our bodies have an amazing way of communicating with us and, all too often, we simply don’t know what they’re saying.It would be nice if a text bubble would manifest itself over whichever part of our anatomy that needs relief that said: “I’m under a lot of stress here, could you maybe unplug for a bit so I can get back to normal?”Restorative yog a is not beneficial only to physical stress; it does wonders for the psyche â€" as does Hatha yoga, flow yoga and many other types of yoga.What if you suffer from depression and/or anxiety? Restorative yoga can help with those conditions, too.Studies show that restorative yoga has proven benefits for people battling cancer. It helps them combat depression and anxiety while helping them manage their pain and the toxic effects of the chemical cocktails they must ingest to beat their disease.If restorative yoga works for cancer survivors, it stands to reason that it would benefit people who are not in a fight for their lives, doesn’t it?Other conditions alleviated with restorative yoga include:hypertension and heart diseasediabetesinsomniaheadaches and migrainesjoint pain including carpal tunnelsciaticawomen’s issues â€" bloating, cramps and moodinesscold and flu symptomsAnother amazing benefit of restorative yoga is weight loss.Our bodies produce cortisol as a matter of normal fun ction but, when we are under stress, cortisol production increases, meaning the amount of sugar in your blood also increases. If/when that excess sugar is not worked off, it converts into fat.Ergo, by reducing cortisol production, you are also reducing the fat in your body.Now that you are completely sold on the idea of restorative yoga, let’s peek in on a class. Restorative yoga postures are usually done in a softly-lit studio Image by suzanne leitner-wise from PixabayWhat Does a Restorative Yoga Session Entail?Like yin yoga, restorative yoga makes ample use of bolsters, blocks and blankets, and every asana is done at floor level.However, unlike yin yoga and virtually every other type of yoga, a restorative yoga session employs only a handful of asanas that are held for an extended period; up to 20 minutes.When you enter the yoga studio, don’t be surprised to find dim lighting and soft music playing. You may also find many props set up by each yoga mat. If you bring your own mat, your yoga teacher may place several blocks, pillows and blankets near you.Your yoga instructor may also help you get into position. For example, for the Reclined Goddess pose, your instructor might help place the block under your back or help you recline.The studio environment is so relaxing and the postures are held for so long that many people actually doze off. Nobody will disparage you for it; if you feel yourself nodding off, go for it! Surely, when your instructor calls out the next asana, you’ll wake back up.Don’t let the tranquillity of these sessions fool you; your muscles and joints will still get a workout.For instance, the Supported Bridge pose that is often used in restorative yoga will work your abs, hamstring muscles, quads and hip flexors.Have you got your blankets, pillows, bolsters and blocks ready? Let us now go through restorative yoga poses together.Restorative Yoga LessonsYou are now in a softly lit yoga studio. Your mat is surrounded with blankets, pillows and props. Sliding into the stress of the Holiday Season, you are so ready for this yoga practice!At the urging of the yoga instructors, you seat yourself on your mat, ready for the first posture. In itself, the Child's Pose fosters deep relaxation but, when modified for restoration yoga, it is even more comfortable Image by AndiP from PixabayModified Child’s PoseSitting on your ankles with your knees apart, place your pillows or folded blankets in front of you. Lean forward at the hips, resting your head and torso on the pillows.Make sure that your entire torso is supported as well as your head. You do not want your head dangling down off the edge of the blanket. If needed, arrange your yoga blocks in front of your blankets so that your head can rest on them.Your arms should drape down on either side of your torso support. Hold the pose for 10-20 minutes.If you feel any discomfort â€" in your knees, shoulders or ankles, ease out of the position.Supported Bridge PoseLying on your back with your knees raised, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place a yoga block under your sacrum so that your hips are elevated.You may lace your hands over your stomach or lay them out at 45 degrees from your body, what is called ‘cactusing’. If you cactus your arms, make sure your palms are face-up.For an extra challenge, you may position the block under your sacrum on its narrow side to raise your hips higher. You might also place your feet at the edges of your mat and bring your knees together so that you don’t strain to hold your legs in position.Hold the pose for 10-20 minutes.Reclining Bound Angle PoseLying supine on your mat, pull your feet toward your pelvis. With the soles of your feet together, place blocks under each knee so that the stretch to your inner thigh muscles won’t be so great.Cactus your arms or place your fingers on your abdomen. Hold the pose for between 10 and 20 minutes.Supported Forward Fold PoseSeated on your mat with your legs straight out in front of you, place a bolster under your thighs, close to your knees. On your legs, stack your pillows or blanket.Bend forward at the waist until your torso and head are resting on the pillows. Your arms hang along the pillows; your palms should face upward.Hold for 10-20 minutes.Legs Up The Wall PoseFor this pose, you will obviously need a wall; your mat should be perpendicular to it.Sitting with the wall on your left side, ease sideways until you are laying on your mat. Bring your legs up until you are lying on your back; your body should mould to the angle formed by the floor and the wall.Hold the pose for 10-20 minutes and then flow into savasana, or Corpse pose.If you are familiar with yoga breathing techniques, these asanas are a prime opportunity to focus on breathing but if not, no worries; you will find yourself deep-breathing as your body relaxes.If you are currently in yoga teacher training, learning how to sequence a restorative yoga class is particularly valuable because you can gain experience teaching by helping out in other classes.And, if you are experienced in many different yoga styles, it might not hurt for you to take a restorative yoga class every on ce in a while, to take a break from the more advanced yoga that you might normally practise.This gentle yoga has something for everyone but are there guidelines for sequencing any yoga class?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Write an Effective Back-to-School Checklist

How to Write an Effective Back-to-School Checklist A back-to-school checklist is a useful, highly personal way to organize yourself for the coming school year. A checklist can help you navigateand maximizethe weeks before the first day of school, especially as you ease out of summer classes, vacation, or work. Below are five steps you can take to write an effective back-to-school checklist. Consult your school supplies list and summer assignments Unearth the supplies list you received in June or locate a copy online. You likely own a number of the required supplies already; check your inventory of folders, paper, and writing utensils to see what can be used this year. Then make a shopping list of what you do need to buy. In addition, review your summer homework assignments and add to your checklist any essays, reading, or worksheets to complete before school starts. If you do have any summer essays to complete here are some great tips for writing an essay. Refer to your calendar Whether you keep a physical planner or consult an electronic calendar, consider important dates and schedule your time accordingly. Mark the first day of school on your planner, as well as any significant dates at the beginning of the yeartryouts for sports teams, school meetings, holidays, etc. Determine when you will finish summer assignments and when you will buy school supplies. This will help you pace your back-to-school prep as you also keep in mind the larger scope of the school year.Theseare some great tips to keep and use a calendar! Consider extracurricular commitments You may already be involved with an athletic activity or club. Plan around these commitments as you ready for the school year. Also consider those activities that you wish to join this coming yearclubs, performances, sportsand how you can mentally or physically prepare for them. Think about out-of-school commitments as well, such as prep sessions with an SAT tutor. The key to effective back-to-school planning is understanding where and how your academics and extracurriculars fit together. Include goal-setting Make your back-to-school checklist purposeful by including manageable goals. Goal-setting may be intimidating at first, so it is crucial to set realistic objectives that interest you. If you would like to join the newspaper club, consider reading three to five news articles each week. If you plan to prepare for the ACT or SAT before school begins, consider creating flashcards to study each day. Adding goals to your back-to-school checklist can keep you focused as you approach the new semester. Keep it manageable As with goal-setting, ensure that your checklist is a manageable length. Too many tasks will slow you and likely deter you from using your checklist, and too few tasks will not be productive. Write enough detail next to each item so you know precisely what must be done, but not so much that you have to read through a flood of information. Having a family member or friend look your checklist over for reasonableness is an excellent idea; they can help you identify unrealistic tasks and hold you accountable for those you do take on. An effective back-to-school checklist is not difficult to write, and it will help you focus on tasks that you must complete. Keep your checklist in an easily accessible placesuch as your smartphones notepad or in your plannerand refer to it regularly while you enjoy the rest of your summer.

How Tutor Pace Contributes To Students Success

How Tutor Pace Contributes To Students Success 0SHARESShare Tutor Pace an  online tutoring websites  offers support that helps the student to schedule their own study plan. Every Online Tutors are committed to focus on how the child learns from this website. The website helps your child to manage their assignments and prepare for tests. Algebra, Geometry, Calculus or English for all the subjects Tutor Pace has advanced course following the USA curriculum. Teachers are highly educated, professionally trained and patient with good communication skills. The site provides tutors with in-depth knowledgeable about their respective subjects. They proffer one-on-one attention to every student; which is difficult in a classroom session. The use of advanced technology, availability of subject experts, 24/7 service makes them popular. A panel of reputed tutors guides you at every step so that understanding the concepts get interesting and effective. With the increase in school fees every year, parents find it hard to pay a hefty amount for private tuition. Understanding this Tutor Pace offers the most affordable tutoring sessions. They value your requirement and offer what you need the most for your child. Parents and Students can sit together browse the tutor profiles and choose an expert and buy the most suitable package. The tutors are committed to motivate all students from K-12. Online Tutors try to boost your child’s grades by providing the homework assignment help and sessions for test preparation. Todays computer-savvy students find it to be the most effective means of learning. [starbox id=admin]

Push Over on Employee Performance Issues - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Push Over on Employee Performance Issues - Introvert Whisperer Push Over on Employee Performance Issues? If you have been anointed manager, you surely must know that there are things you are responsible for that you’d rather not do. The highest priority item on that list of tough things to do is dealing with an employee who is a continuous performance problem. It not only impacts business but when management simply lets someone run amok, the ranks resent it and some will join in. This is not how you want to run the business. Countless managers and executives, for all the toughness they may bring to the role, often turn into complete pansies when it comes to dealing with a problem employee. Are we having fun yet? In order to keep that tough-minded veneer intact, here are some things you can do to address employee performance issues: Set performance expectations. Every employee needs to hear from you exactly what their performance should be and how you expect to measure them. Once you set a clear direction, then ongoing conversations are easier to conduct. If they are headed for the ditch, you can let them know before it gets too out of hand. Act quickly. When you see an issue, you need to jump on it quickly while the details are fresh in your mind and theirs. Make a script. One of the biggest issues most managers face is difficulty in knowing how to start the conversation and what to say. It’s easier to do if you think through the key points you want to make, jot those points down and use your notes while you discuss them with the employee. Don’t be vague. Make sure you say early in the conversation, “There is an issue with your performance.” Short, sweet and no room to misunderstand. Give examples. Don’t just say there is a problem; be prepared to give examples that reinforce your observations. Stay calm. Sometimes wimpy managers have to get seriously ticked off in order to take action. Usually, at that point, they have let things get out of control. No one listens to a yelling person. You will lose your effectiveness. You will also lose respect from other employees if they realize this is how you function. Ask them to recap their understanding. In order for anything to change, you have to know they heard AND understood your message. Ask them to recap what you said and what they will be doing differently. Schedule follow-up. You can’t just toss a scud missile at the employee and think your job is done. While you are together, schedule a  time to reconvene. Appointed follow-up will keep you both accountable. Repetition is key. Keep in mind that the employee did not come to work for you with the intention of doing poor work. However, they may have picked up bad habits or haven’t been adequately trained. To get them on the right track will require your sustained focus and numerous follow-ups before the new behavior is sustained. If you aren’t dealing with the performance problems, you are creating numerous issues for yourself and those around you. While this might rank right up there with a root canal, you can reduce the pain with a few thoughtful actions. Being a leader is one of the most rewarding things that you can do. If you’re ready for a promotion or to take you to the next level, you owe it to yourself to check out “Lead Like You Mean It” Leadership Development Program”. Enrollment is limited so act quickly while there’s still openings: CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO ENROLL Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.  Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

The Five Emails You Can Send On A Regular Basis To Secure Your Future Promotion - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / The Five Emails You Can Send On A Regular Basis To Secure Your Future Promotion - Introvert Whisperer The Five Emails You Can Send On A Regular Basis To Secure Your Future Promotion Good communication is undoubtedly the skill that all employers value the most. Many great managers say the best skill set they have is to listen, especially to those who employ the roles most lucrative to the company. The symbiotic relationship between individual contributor and manager is there, but it’s up to you to ensure you are communicating so that your manager can play their part. From the start of your employment journey, communication has always been at the forefront of why you are successful. From answering the hiring managers phone interview questions in a clear and concise way, to the email you send after your interview, and the communication you have regularly after you’re hired. Without good communication, managers can’t place their focus on performing their duties. For example, if you have a roadblock and the manager could help unblock you, but they simply don’t know about it; then efficiency is lost. Because of this, most managers reward communicative individual contributors. Email is a great tool because it allows us to spend time thinking about what we’d like to communicate before the other party has a chance to read it. In the moment, or in front of your peers, you may feel more pressure to respond quickly. And with that pressure your communication skills may naturally become stressed as well. I’m going to show you five email techniques you can do to go above and beyond with regards to good communication. These communication techniques take very little time, are impactful to your manager, show you have leadership or promotion potential, show you are proactive about your role, and best of all, you can do this passively. Meaning you won’t place yourself into potentially stressful situations, like presenting in front of a group. #1: The priority check in In this email your goal is to ensure no new information has entered the managers knowledge bank. And that you are spending your time the best way you can. Here’s what your email should look like: Hi Jeff, Here’s my priorities. Let me know if I should reorder some of them, remove them or add any other priorities in. Redesign our print flyers Finish our sales pitch deck Improve our homepage experience Thanks Jeff. You’ll need to place your own priorities in this list. Keep them high level and something you and the team have already discussed. Make them the top three most important objectives or tasks from your perspective. This one you can send bi-weekly if your work doesn’t change frequently. #2: The random thank you email In these emails your goal is to pick a team member each week and show your appreciation for them. These random acts of kindness don’t go unnoticed. When a manager asks your peers how they like working with you, these emails are sure to be brought up. Here’s what you’ll say. Hi Sarah, I just wanted to send you a short note about how much I appreciate working with you. You are so talented. Thank you for all of your hard work. Thanks Sarah If you can use a more specific and recent moment that stood out to you, the better. Like when Sarah worked on Saturday to meet a deadline. #3: The weekly report This will be your most valuable weekly email. Send this email every Friday and recap the weeks work. When crafting this email. Think about the questions your manager would have for you if you two were to talk. For example they would ask, how’s the progress on our new homepage? Answer these questions for them so you can save them time. Here’s what you’ll say: Hi Jeff, Here’s my weekly report. New homepage: Finished our design brief Met with Nancy in sales to prepare her on timing Sent our technical needs to the web developers We’re on track with regards to timing Sales pitch: Finished 2 sales pitches this week for Nancy and Kevin Thanks Jeff Let me know if you have any thoughts. Have a good weekend! Keep it brief, impactful, informative and insightful. #4: The request for feedback It’s imperative that you are always willing to hear feedback on how you can do better. It shows you are leadership material. I wouldn’t send this email more than once per month but be sure you are sending it. Hi Jeff, Would love to know if there’s anything you feel I could be doing better. Or if there’s anything you appreciate that I am doing, and that you’d like to see more of. Thanks Jeff This information gives you insight into how to beat perform for the manager. Be prepared to take criticism you might receive, though. #5: Asking if your manager wants any other type of regular communication After a while, your manager might start appreciating but ignoring your weekly reports. That’s ok! That’s good! That means they’ve built trust with you. But ask them what other communication they’d appreciate so you are always moving forward. Here’s how to do it: Hi Jeff, I hope you’ve been appreciating my weekly reports. What are some things you’d like to see in them? Anything I can cover which may be most beneficial to you? Thanks Jeff And there you have it. Five simple communication techniques you can send by email each week which will do wonders for your development within the company. The good thing about these emails is that your manager has the option to read them. You may be wondering, what if they are annoyed by all the emails I’m sending them? Remember that these emails are insights, not strictly discussion. They’re digestible action items your manager can choose to see or not. They have the option to open the email if they’re curious or maybe lacking insight into your work. And they have the option to ignore it if they feel they already know enough. It’s a win-win for both parties! Author Bio: Patrick Algrim is an experienced executive in the technology sector. He’s helped to build some of the worlds greatest teams at some of the fastest growing Companies in Silicon Valley. You can find out more about him and see more content like this at Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. 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The Art of Balancing How to manage homework and afterschool activities when your child has ADHD

The Art of Balancing How to manage homework and afterschool activities when your child has ADHD For kids with ADHD balancing homework with interests in sports, music, art or other after-school activities can be a challenge. Homework takes longer to complete when you have ADHD sometimes hours longer, leading many parents to feel like their child simply doesnt have time to participate in extracurricular activities. However, studies show that kids who participate in after-school activities actually do better academically than those who dont participate. For kids with ADHD, these activities also teach important social skills that can help strengthen their relationships with classmates and friends. When the afterschool activities involve sports, they also provide an outlet for the physical activity that many kids with ADHD crave. On top of this, for many kids, scoring a goal or landing a role in a play can be an extraordinary confidence boost that finds its way into all aspects of their life, especially if the challenges of ADHD have them struggling academically. So how do you supp ort your child and ensure he or she thrives in both school and in extracurricular activities? Create a calendar. Many kids with ADHD struggle with organization, but staying organized is essential when youre working with a tight after school schedule and competing priorities. Be a role model for your child and begin teaching organizational skills that will help him or her throughout life. Start by posting a calendar at home that shows both your childs homework assignment deadlines and afterschool activities (practice, games, performances, etc.). Involve your child in updating the calendar every time a new event or deadline needs to be added. Schedule homework time. Set aside designated time for homework each day. Your child already understands the concept of blocking out scheduled time for practice and games. Extend this same concept to homework, where dedicated blocks of time are scheduled in advance throughout the week. Add these time blocks to your calendar and remind your child that he or she needs to fit homework into these slots in order to participate in all of the fun activities he or she also has on the calendar. Plan proactively. When your child has a full schedule, there is less room wiggle room for cramming in last minute assignments and study sessions. If a big test is coming up at the end of the week, help your child plan ahead and break test prep down into smaller chucks that he or she can fit into the pre-scheduled homework time blocks. Planning ahead is a challenge for many kids with ADHD, so your child will need your help to learn this technique. It can be a good idea to get into the habit of helping him or her check the classrooms online homework assignment system regularly so he or she is less likely to be surprised by an upcoming project deadline or exam. Enlist A Tutor. Learning centers are designed to help teach children study skills that will help them get their work completed more efficiently and effectively. Look for centers, like Huntington Learning Centers, where instructors are experienced in helping kids with ADHD. Make participation a privilege that comes with meeting homework goals. Participation in extracurricular activities can be a powerful motivator when participation is linked to reaching homework goals. Let your child know that he or she can only participate if he or she consistently completes homework, and dont have missed assignments regularly. This can go a long way in helping kids with ADHD prioritize their assignments and cut out distractions when time is short. Note that the goals should be focused on homework completion (effort) rather than homework grades (performance), since kids can generally control whether or not they get their work done, but they cant always control the grade they receive and this is especially true for kids with ADHD whose effort isnt always reflected in their grades. Balancing school and extracurriculars is more art than science, but its worth the time to find a balance that works for your family. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

How is the dollar valued and manipulated

How is the dollar valued and manipulated Business English Listening ExerciseHas the price of the dollar made you wonder how prices for currencies are decided? It definitely made us curious, as weve watched our classes become more expensive for our students.Watch the video below to learn more about how currency is traded, and sometimes manipulated. Click here if youd like to save some dollars on English classes this month with our February sale.Business English Listening ExericseAnswer the questions below in comments, and well respond.1. I could ______ them _______ into dollars at the going rate.2. What does going rate mean?3. Where the big guys go to trade is the site of some __________ shady dealings.4. How is the above word used in this sentence? Can you make a sentence using it in this form?5. How many currencies are there and how much changes hands?6. How is the foreign exchange market like New York?7. At what time and for how long does trading stop on the F-EX market?8. What have the traders in London been doing? What is the slang term for this?9. Who loses when this happens? Anyone who thinks they got a ______ _____.10. What does the above term mean?What do think the punishment for the banks and traders should be? How is your countrys currency?Click here for our business English idioms.